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Exploring the Future Development Direction of Aircraft Engine Fasteners


Aviation engines are known as the "jewel in the crown" due to their high industrial technology requirements. Among them, aviation engine fasteners, as the link within the "pearl" body, also have more specificity, higher safety and reliability in terms of performance and technical requirements compared to other fasteners due to their high pressure, high temperature, and high-strength operating environment requirements. Therefore, major technological countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have taken aviation engine fasteners as a fundamental science and invested a large amount of funds in research and development. In the domestic aviation field, with the implementation of the two major special projects, the path of specialized development of aviation engines has officially begun, creating better development conditions for the subsequent development of various professional technologies and basic discipline research.

Current situation of domestic aviation fasteners

The main fastener products on aviation engines include various types of bolts, keyed screw piles, self-locking nuts, screw sleeves, pins, pipeline connectors, etc. Compared to the fastener family, the types of fasteners used in aviation engines are relatively concentrated. However, due to the limitations of their working environment, the performance requirements for such fasteners, especially hot end fasteners, are relatively high.

There are many domestic manufacturers of aviation engine fasteners, mainly scattered in the aviation and aerospace fields and some private enterprises. Each manufacturer is independent of each other, with overlapping product coverage, mainly focusing on production and manufacturing, without a research and manufacturing base. Most domestic aviation engine parts companies are subsidiary companies engaged in the production of fasteners and small and medium-sized parts, which are separated from aviation engine main engine factories. The manufacturing level, technical status management level, and inspection and testing capabilities of each manufacturer are uneven, and there is no professional production base that combines research and manufacturing, which is not conducive to conducting technical research and development of aviation fasteners.

Contact Us

Ningbo Beilun Longsheng Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Contact: Mr. Li
Tel:0574-86807658 13858261185
Address: Beilun District of Ningbo City, Daqi town road 401

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