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Brief Introduction to the Intelligent Development Trend of High Strength Fasteners in China


The development of China's fastener industry has a history of nearly ten years, but it is still in a backward state in terms of quality, environmental protection, and energy consumption. In order to catch up with and surpass the international advanced level, the development and production of high-strength fasteners in China are facing severe challenges.

After the reform and opening up, there will be a rapidly developing market for fasteners in China, and the next 10 years after the 13th Five Year Plan will be a high-quality market. Made in China 2025 proposes nine major tasks and ten key areas, demonstrating a manufacturing powerhouse strategy centered on intelligent manufacturing. For a long time, although China's fasteners have a certain technological accumulation, the industry cannot meet the production needs of the national mechanical equipment industry. On the one hand, the strength of raw materials cannot meet the demand for high-strength fasteners, and the market for low-end and low-strength fasteners is saturated. On the other hand, high-strength and high-precision fasteners have long relied on imports; On the other hand, enterprises have weak technology and slow equipment and personnel updates, which cannot meet the production needs of high-end and high-strength fasteners.

Prospects for the Intelligent Manufacturing and Technology Process of Fasteners in China during the 13th Five Year Plan period and its future development stages.

Description of the primary production system of Internet plus+Robot+Industry 4.0. At present, people's thinking is that professional technicians install molds and fixed programs on production equipment to achieve processing technology. And intelligent manufacturing must adopt robots+Industry 4.0 in order to achieve automated production and the latest management mode. Robots are the most important core foundation of intelligent manufacturing; Intelligent controller is a necessary basic condition for intelligent equipment. The intelligent controller will be able to integrate related devices such as multi-station cold heading machines, continuous mesh belt furnaces, robots, and sensors, and combine them with smartphones or tablets.

Collection and control of processing process data. The process data required for intelligent manufacturing is usually not very huge, but it is very professional and can be used to process specified products under specific requirements. It is important production data, process parameters, etc. that enterprises have accumulated and summarized for a long time.

Regarding the transmission of information. The information transmission required for intelligent manufacturing focuses on the standardization and high stability of logistics and the Internet of Things among devices, controllers, devices and people, sensors, databases and networks. Future management personnel do not need to obtain data from factories or production line sites to determine whether there are any abnormalities in the equipment, whether inspection and maintenance are necessary, etc.

At present, there is a shortage of talents in the fastener industry, and the phenomenon of personnel shortage is becoming increasingly serious. The younger generation is unwilling to work (work) on the production line, and fewer and fewer young people are unwilling to devote their lives to a job position or field in a certain industry. To solve the problem of talent shortage in fastener enterprises, it is necessary to convert traditional processing techniques into high-tech intelligent equipment that can be replaced. Young people like to communicate with people most through smartphones and tablets. If we find ways to adapt to young people's thinking and use touch panels or smartphone remote control to operate cold heading machines or mesh belt furnaces, it will attract young people to fastener factories

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Ningbo Beilun Longsheng Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Contact: Mr. Li
Tel:0574-86807658 13858261185
Address: Beilun District of Ningbo City, Daqi town road 401

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