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The first national fastener export quality and safety demonstration zone has settled in Ningbo


The Ningbo Inspection and Quarantine Bureau announced today that recently, the Ningbo Zhenhai Export Fastener Quality and Safety Demonstration Zone has passed the on-site inspection and assessment by an expert group, successfully creating a provincial-level export quality and safety demonstration zone, becoming the first fastener export quality and safety demonstration zone in China.

As the most important fastener production and export base in China, Ningbo enjoys the title of "China's Fastener Capital". From January to October 2016, the output value of fastener products in the Ningbo region reached 690 million US dollars, with an export value of 270 million US dollars. Among them, the Ningbo Zhenhai Fastener Product Export Quality and Safety Demonstration Zone has established an enterprise output value of 390 million US dollars and an export value of 160 million US dollars, accounting for 55% and 59% respectively. At present, the total output of the fastener industry in the entire region accounts for about half of Ningbo City and about 1/16 of the national total. The products are exported to various parts of the country and exported to places such as the United States, the European Union, and Japan.

The fastener products in the Ningbo region are exported to various regions both domestically and internationally, and have a high reputation both domestically and internationally. They have basically formed a clustered development trend with a close industrial chain, complete product types, and increasingly obvious regional brand effects, involving various standards such as national standards, German standards, Australian standards, American standards, and British standards. The product is widely used in various fields and has a certain reputation in the national fastener production industry. Given the high degree of agglomeration in the fastener product industry in Zhenhai District, the Ningbo Inspection and Quarantine Department, in conjunction with the local government, jointly launched the creation of a provincial-level export quality and safety demonstration zone for Ningbo Zhenhai fastener products in March 2016. Give full play to the exemplary and leading role of the quality and safety demonstration zone in product quality, independent innovation, brand building, integrity and self-discipline, and assist in the transformation and upgrading of the traditional characteristic industry of fastener products in the Ningbo region.

At present, there are 30 export fastener production enterprises in the demonstration zone, with 14 municipal or above trademarks. Ningbo Jinding Fastener Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Zhongjiang High Strength Bolt Co., Ltd. are benchmark enterprises in the demonstration zone, while 5 enterprises including Ningbo Hisense Fastener Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Ningli High Strength Fastener Co., Ltd. are demonstration enterprises. Last year, the Zhenhai fastener industry achieved a total industrial output value of about 3.8 billion yuan, and fastener products were exported to the United States, the European Union, Japan, and other places, with a total export value of about 1.4 billion yuan.

All enterprises in the demonstration zone have established a sound quality management system and are operating well. Their product quality is stable and has been certified by relevant countries. "The relevant person in charge of the Zhenhai Inspection and Quarantine Bureau said that all 30 enterprises have signed quality commitment letters, promising to fulfill the responsibility of the first responsible person and bear the responsibility for quality damage compensation in accordance with the law. In the past three years, there have been no major export product quality and safety accidents or illegal cases.

Actively through technological innovation, demonstration zone enterprises have focused on the formulation (revision) of various standards, and have successively led or participated in the revision of 1 international standard, 30 national standards, and 1 industry alliance standard.

The Ningbo inspection and quarantine department implements a credit supervision model for enterprises in the demonstration zone and introduces preferential and convenient measures for comprehensive services. In terms of certificates of origin, since the beginning of this year, the bureau has issued 1733 certificates of origin for various types of exported fastener products in the region, with a value of $5.91019 million. According to a 3% tariff discount, a total of 177% of the enterprise's tariffs have been reduced or exempted

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Ningbo Beilun Longsheng Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Contact: Mr. Li
Tel:0574-86807658 13858261185
Address: Beilun District of Ningbo City, Daqi town road 401

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