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High strength fasteners in short supply should vigorously develop high-end routes


Although China's fastener production accounts for a quarter of the global production, the majority are low-strength and low-grade products. As the main basic component product of the mechanical industry, the development of the mechanical industry also puts higher requirements on fastener products. Ordinary standard fasteners have always been in oversupply, while high-end fasteners (such as high-temperature, special-shaped, titanium plastic composite, and special performance fasteners) are in short supply and still rely on imports. Therefore, the National Machinery Administration has listed "ordinary standard fasteners" as restricted products for development, and "high-strength special-shaped fasteners" as currently encouraged products for development. With the improvement of national industrialization level and technological progress, the usage of high-strength fasteners is gradually increasing.

The fastener market in China has achieved great development, and the country has provided certain support in technology introduction, technological transformation, scientific research and development, etc. However, there is still a significant gap in China's fastener technology compared to foreign levels, which is manifested in: a small number of high-end varieties, low level, unstable quality, high early failure rate, and poor reliability. Moreover, among the technologies introduced in China, foreign drawings and material compositions can be provided to China, but in terms of heat treatment, foreign countries are strictly confidential, and we can learn from them quite limited. Therefore, for the future development of China's fastener industry, it is necessary to establish the core competitiveness of enterprises and cultivate the internal driving force of the industry, moving from a manufacturing powerhouse to a manufacturing powerhouse.

With the nationwide infrastructure policy, the conservative quantity of construction machinery such as loaders, excavators, and rollers will reach 6 million units, with an annual sales volume of around 50000 units. Based on this, it is estimated that the annual demand for high-strength fasteners is about 20000 to 30000 tons. At the same time, China's national economic construction is entering a new stage of development, and advanced manufacturing represented by high-speed railways, aviation, highways, large power generation equipment, large ships, and large complete sets of equipment will also enter important development directions.

In terms of road transportation: National key construction projects such as high-speed rail, aerospace, aviation, highways, and airports are providing opportunities for tight enterprises to move towards the high-end. Boeing plans to add 3400 aircraft in the next 20 years, and the National Development and Reform Commission will invest 800 billion yuan to build rail transit in 6 cities. According to the plan to build urban rail transit project cities in 36 cities, by 2020, the new operating mileage of urban rail transit will reach 6560 kilometers, and the demand for rail fasteners will reach 5.5-7 billion yuan. These large-scale projects will greatly increase the demand for high-end fasteners such as high-strength fasteners and titanium alloys, and it is not impossible to remove the low-end labels.




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Ningbo Beilun Longsheng Hardware Products Co., Ltd
Contact: Mr. Li
Tel:0574-86807658 13858261185
Address: Beilun District of Ningbo City, Daqi town road 401

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